
Management Science and Business Decisions

  • MSBD is an academic journal that publishes high-quality research focused on the application of quantitative and qualitative methods to solve complex problems in management, business strategy, and decision-making. The journal emphasizes innovative approaches that bridge theory and practice in areas such as operations research, organizational behavior, and business analytics. It is published twice per year, and is archived by Crossref. To submit your manuscript or read published papers, please click here.
    • ISSN (Print): 2767-6528
    • ISSN (Online): 2767-3316
    • Location: USA

International Journal of Grey Systems

  • IJGS is a scholarly journal dedicated to advancing the theory, methodology, and application of grey systems, focusing on uncertain and incomplete information modeling. It publishes cutting-edge research in fields such as decision-making, engineering, social sciences, and sustainability, leveraging grey system theory to address complex real-world challenges. It is published twice per year, and is archived by Crossref. To submit your manuscript or read published papers, please click here.
    • ISSN (Print): 2767-6412
    • ISSN (Online): 2767-3308
    • Location: USA