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Older people are less stressful, says a study


The results of a recent study by Pennsylvania State University in the United States show that the number of daily stressors and people’s response to daily stressors decreases with age. The findings were published in the journal Developmental Psychology.

The research team analyzed comprehensive data on more than 40,000 days of daily life of more than 3,000 adults over 20 years since 1995. The respondents, who were between the ages of 25 and 74, found that the impact of daily stress decreased in both the number of daily stressors people reported and their emotional responses to stressors. For example, 25-year-olds reported stressors nearly 50 percent of the time, while 70-year-olds reported stressors only 30 percent of the time. In addition to reporting a reduced number of daily stressors, the research team also found that as they age, their emotional responses decreased when daily stressors did occur.

The news was first reported by Sciencenet.

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